
Maine holds its first open Presidential primary on March 5, 2024. Independent voters may vote without having to enroll in a political…

On Feb. 20th, 2024, during the Camden…

The good news: Gov. Mills has included urgently needed one-time funding in a supplemental budget to address recent devastating federal funding cuts essential to securing the safety and…

Although spring is around the bend, the Camden Public Library would like to take a moment to recognize the success of this year’s Winterfest celebration.

On Saturday, January 27, 2024,…

On February 4, the Belfast Democratic Party caucus approved a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

The vote came six days after an Associated Press poll…

letter to the editor
This is the preamble to the Zoning restriction changes regarding ALL rentals in Rockport presented by the…

Camden Street, in Rockland, is a three-lane highway with three inconsistent and poorly marked lanes. The middle…

letter to the editor

On January 25, at 5:30 p.m. in the Rockport Library, the Rockport Planning Board will present their proposals for changes to our Rockport…

letter to the editor

I am writing as a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Planning Committee to thank the many people who participated in honoring Dr. King and his legacy in the fight for racial justice. First…

It is unfortunate that the film Smoke Sauna Sisterhood was recently shown at the Waldo Theater. Why would an Estonian sauna film…

As reported earlier in Pen Bay Pilot, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court ruled last February that Nordic Aquafarms doesn't own the mudflats it needs to lay saltwater intake and effluent discharge…

On January 16, 2024 the voters of Hope will have the opportunity to show their support for regulating and controlling industrial mining in our residential community of Hope Maine. 


letter to the editor

Sue and I would like to thank the Gabrieles for 40 years of reuben sandwiches, onion rings, custom omelettes and more. We didn’t eat at…

Letter to the editor

Pope Memorial Humane Society (PMHS) extends its deepest gratitude to the community for the tremendous success of the 6th Annual PMHS Pet Angel Tree. The outpouring of your support, the absolute…

letter to the editor

The Camden Rockport Elementary School would like to acknowledge and thank a group of dedicated individuals and organizations who have worked hard to sponsor families in need through the…

letter to the editor

I was arrested at Jared Golden’s office back in November. I was there to protest his support for Israel’s relentless bombardment of Gaza.

I’m just one of many Jews worldwide who are…

letter to the editor

We are so fortunate to have many special holiday events this time of year. It's also great to see friends and spend time with family. Yet, many other families will be grieving the tragic loss of a…

letter to the editor

The annual Holiday Love Lights Tree lighting ceremony was held at the First Church of Belfast on December 3, 2023.  Our new pastor, Reverend Josh Fitterling read the names of loved ones who are…

Dear People of Liberty,



CAMDEN — The Poets Corner, a virtual sanctuary for poetry enthusiasts, hosted a transformative event on December 3, entitled “Reading Rilke Today: A Conversation.” It was the third annual Rilke…

The Rockland intersection at McDonalds and the old Burger King (Maverick and Camden Streets, Route 17 and Route 1) is getting attention…

Letter to the editor

I want to share how thankful I am for the overwhelming community support that the local WindowDressers group has received from Waldo County. 

We completed a Rewrap build in October in…

letter to the editor

Never underestimate the gullibility of the American people. I can think of little else to possibly explain the persistent embrace of…

On Tuesday, October 31, the co-chairs of the Five Town CSD School Board heard about why gun-related classes should be banned from our district’s school properties. (For those wondering, the Maine…

Thank you to all the voters who came out last Tuesday and elected me to serve on the Thomaston Select Board. I am deeply humbled and…

letter to the editor

It’s a crazy time in our world. Whatever happens on Tuesday, I am at peace. Win or not, nothing will really change for me.

I will remain an active participant in the Rockland community.…

letter to the editor

ATTENTION ALL QUALITY SENIOR HOUSING DEVELOPERS!  The Town of Union is intent on attracting your senior housing project expertise to the redevelopment of the yellow school building on Common Road…

letter to the editor
Dear Community,   We at Darrowby Farm Sanctuary in Jefferson want to thank all those who attended our Open House on October 14. We had a great time meeting so many new faces, feeding pumpkins to…
Letter to the editor

Some facts regarding Question 3 on the upcoming Maine ballot
The proposed decision makers of PTP will be elected officials. Once again NO DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN RUNNING AN ELECTRICAL…

Letter to the editor

On October 19 the Maine Board of Environment Protection held a hearing on whether to revoke the permits it had issued for Nordic Aquafarms to build a $500 million industrial fish farm in Belfast.…

letter to the editor

Before  I write this letter I want to point out that I am a member of the TCC working group and a member of the Thompson Memorial Association. I am writing as a citizen of Union and not as a…

letter to the editor

If we really care about our children, shouldn’t we be worried about burdening them with more debt and higher taxes? 

RSU 40 has proposed an $81 million school bond that residents in the…

letter to the editor

I plan to vote yes on No. 3, the Pine Tree Power Project, and urge other voters to do the same. I have listened to the arguments on all sides and believe that this initiative is our best…

letter to the editor

I am writing today in support of Kaitlin Callahan for Rockland City Council. As someone who lives and works in Rockland, it is obvious that someone like Kaitlin is needed to help support this…

letter to the editor

Once again, Rockland has four good candidates running for our City Council, any one of them would serve us very well.

But, we can only vote for two of them, so here's what I'm thinking.…

letter to the editor

In November, Union citizens will have yet another opportunity to decide the future of the old Union School (the yellow building) and the attached Thompson Community Center.  Enough has probably…

letter to the editor

During the October Agenda Setting Meeting of the Rockland City Council, Councilor Sarah Austin presented a Charter Change to Remove the Mayor of Rockland. Why now, when there are only a few weeks…

Letter to the editor

I wanted to take a moment to write to you about an important proposal on the Maine November ballot. I am supporting the "YES on 2" campaign which will ban foreign government-owned entities from…

letter to the editor

According to the Maine Beacon, Central Maine Power's profit for the second quarter of 2022 was $40.5 million. On an annual basis, that's $162,000,000, and that works out to an average of $248 for…

letter to the editor

Across the country we face unprecedented challenges — inflation, a housing crisis, an opioid epidemic — too many community members are living in unsustainable conditions without quality healthcare…

letter to the editor
I am happy to be writing this letter in support of Kaitlin Callahan who is running for a seat on the Rockland City Council. Although I…
letter to the editor

As a lifelong dairy farmer it’s fair to say I know a thing or two about milking.  As a taxpayer, I am nearing the end of my useful life and have little left to give. I feel as though I have been…

letter to the editor
Although I have never been a resident of Rockland, I have great affection for the Lime City. During my pre-retirement years I was known to publicly state on many occasions, tongue-in-cheek, that I…
letter to the editor

Wolfden Resources Corporation is a Canadian mining company that purchased land currently zoned as a “protection…

letter to the editor

Kaitlin Callahan spoke at the Rockland City Council Candidate panel Thursday, September 28. Wow, she is impressive. She is new to me and I was thrilled to hear a smart,…

letter to the editor

There is never a good time to borrow $154 million dollars, but with inflation soaring, now is an especially bad time.

RSU 40 wants to borrow more money, which over the life of a 25-year…

Mainers made a deal with our electric utilities decades ago: we’ll give you an exclusive state-protected monopoly to provide us with electricity and earn a guaranteed…

letter to the editor
The upcoming election for two open seats on the Rockland City Council affords us the opportunity to rejuvenate an underperforming Council and bounce back strong with vibrant energy.   I ask my…
letter to the editor

If the opponents of Pine Tree Power ( Question 3), CMP, Versant and  $18 million in out-of-state money for lobbyists simply gave the $27 million they have spent on misleading adds to the 1.5…