
As Rockport voters, we strongly agree with our Select Board, Budget Committee, several former members of the Wastewater Task Force and the Economic Development Committee, and many other residents…

letter to the editor

Rockport is fortunate to anticipate electing John Viehman to join our Select Board.

John comes to this role with a wealth of professional and community service experience that will inform…

letter to the editor

This January, I joined the Board of Directors of Trekkers. To better understand the program, I volunteered for the Seventh Grade Trekkers expedition to Acadia National Park here in Maine. I was…

As I travel our local roads, I'm seeing a lot of signs talking about haste and waste relative to Rockport's effort to solve our future…
letter to the editor

Several days ago, PenbayPilot.com published a letter from a Rockland resident concerning the City Council’s lack of interest in using the Visualization Tool to show how neighborhoods would look…

letter to the editor

I met John Viehman several years ago while working at the Rockport Library Foundation. As vice chair, John led us in raising $2.5 million to build the new library. His exceptional leadership and…

letter to the editor

Warrant Article 3 on Rockport’s June ballot asks voters approval for moving full speed ahead with purchase of land and a $50-plus million dollar bond for construction of a stand-alone waste-water…

letter to the editor

Like blackflies in spring, every season brings hand-wringing about dark houses in the winter and concerns that Camden will suddenly become a seasonal town. Yet…

On May 20, aquaculture trade journal Fish Farmer reported that Great Northern Salmon of Millinocket received a $5 million federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) grant for site…

letter to the editor

Our Maine legislature is attempting to usurp our beloved U.S. Constitution by joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV). Their intent is to nullify the Electoral College by…

letter to the editor

Freedom of speech. This is how the world works. When we lose communication, alternate lines of reprieve are opened to fill this void.…

Letter to the editor
I had to laugh when I saw the signs that the opponents of Rockports article 3 on sewage  have put out. “Stop the Flow!”  and “ Hold It!”   That is exactly what Camden has told Rockport to do with…
Letter to the editor

A few good reasons to vote NO on Rockport’s Question 3 — the $51 million sewer bond:

letter to the editor

To Rockport and Camden citizens,

There have been recent letters…

Letter to the editor
“Keep Your Mind on Your Driving and Your Hands on the Wheel" in Rockport.
letter to the editor

Just as Ken Gross was a thoughtful,…

letter to the editor

Last Tuesday, I went to the Camden Select Board candidates’ forum. It was pretty bland stuff until Ken Gross, leader of…

Letter to the Editor

Megunticook Rowing’s Varsity program is in full swing, half way through the spring season and showing great promise. 

The team started out with a friendly scrimmage with Neponset Rowing…

letter to the editor

We have owned a home in Rockport for 36 years and like many other homeowners have seen our taxes over those years increase dramatically.…

Letter to the editor

To Our Midcoast Community:

For the past seven years, I have served as the bookkeeper for PAWS. I am also an avid volunteer for the organization dating back to 2001.

I did not know…

letter to the editor

The Town of Rockport Economic Development Committee was created by the Select Board in 2020 to advise the board on issues related to…

letter to the editor

I am endorsing Sophie Romana and Susan Dorr for the Select Board election on June 11 and encourage every citizen of Camden to vote for…

letter to the editor

Picture this…

Opinion: National Safe Boating Week

National Safe Boating Week, May 18-24, 2024

Congratulations if you are one of the fortunate boaters who ply the beautiful waters of the Maine Coast. Those of us who share that privilege…

letter to the editor

Since spring of 2023 hundreds of Rockport residents have become increasingly aware of the deficiencies in the…

letter to the editor

The red doors of Heavenly Threads thrift store are closed. The Congregational Church assures us, via Facebook, that it will reopen. Their…

letter to the editor

We are writing not in opposition to Offshore Wind in Searsport, as both local and state media have implied, but in opposition to choosing…

letter to the editor

As I sat down to write this letter, I was preparing to explain what a thorough job our Wastewater Task Force had done in recommending a location and technology for a new Rockport wastewater…

letter to the editor

On May 7, the Belfast City Council voted 5-0 to revoke its 2021 approval of an eminent domain action that would have taken intertidal land from 43-year Belfast residents Jeffrey Mabee and Judith…

On June 11, Rockport voters are being asked to approve an enormous $38 million ($52 million with fees and interest!) initiative for a new stand-alone sewage treatment plant without sufficient…

Over 200 guests packed the Penobscot Bay YMCA’s Boogie for the Babes benefit at the Rockport Opera House on Saturday, May 4, supporting the Y’s Early Child Care programs.

The event…

Letter to the Editor

This week, Knox County Homeless Coalition (KCHC) proudly unveiled its new name: HOMEWORTHY. After a decade of unwavering commitment to serving the Midcoast community, the organization adopted a…

Letter to the Editor

American Legion Post 30 in Camden is looking for help in raising money to have their parking lot repaved.

Post guests know of the travails of walking in the lot attempting to enter the…

letter to the editor
The gruesome news from war in the Middle East has sparked a protest that reminds me of the antiwar movement during the tragic and unjust U.S. war on Vietnam. First, the horrific Hamas attack on…

 Since 2022, Waldo County District 37 (Winterport, Part of Frankfort, Prospect, Stockton Springs, Searsport), District 38 (Unity, Thorndike, Knox, Jackson, Monroe, Brooks, Waldo, and Swanville),…

letter to the editor

On behalf of Adas Yoshuron Synagogue’s interfaith outreach, I’d like to thank local businesses who made in-kind donations to the 32nd annual Easter Day Community Dinner at St. Peter’s…


Like many parks throughout the country, Camden Hills State Park has long lacked the resources to keep infrastructure maintenance apace with use and natural degradation, which have accelerated due…

I’ll be among the voters in Belfast, Belmont, and Northport proudly casting my ballot this year to send Rep. Jan Dodge back to the Maine House of Representatives, while shedding a tear that she…

letter to the editor

On April 2, the Belfast City Council met with the Northport Select Board to discuss the Belfast City Council's plan to revisit the Belfast-Northport town boundary.

In the meeting, Belfast…

Letter to the editor

Since the start of Rockport’s sewer system in the early 1990s, over half of its wastewater has gone to Camden for treatment (the rest goes to Rockland).  In 2020, the treatment agreement between…

Letter to the Editor

outh School extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Penobscot Bay YMCA and the community for their overwhelming support of the recent donation drive benefiting the Comfort Closet. Thanks to the…

letter to the editor
Acts of courage:
1) “Yes” from…
Letter to the Editor

South School is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the Destination Mars Virtual Mission, an exhilarating educational experience that brought the wonders of space exploration…

Letter to the Editor

Knox Clinic Calls for volunteers to support healthcare and holistic wellness initiatives

The Knox Clinic is issuing a call to action for dedicated volunteers to support its medical program…

letter to the editor
A recent article on the Bangor Daily News online news portal, "Rockland OKs taking over shuttered Knox County dispatch center", is inaccurate and incomplete.    Some of the information in that…
Letter to the Editor

RSU #13 Hosted District-Wide Literacy Night Featuring Author Chris Van Dusen

Rockland, ME – RSU #13 proudly announces the success of its first-ever district-wide Literacy Night, held…

letter to the editor

What are your thoughts on Camden’s sidewalks and pathways? What planning and investments do you think Camden should undertake? Where do you think the town’s priorities…

letter to the editor

In a January 30, 2024 email to me, Belfast City Manager Erin Herbig said the City of Belfast has, since September 2021, spent at least $121,058 on legal bills related to Nordic Aquafarms. And that…

As a retired physician, I’m concerned about Mainers’ access to affordable health care. That’s why I support LD 1955, which will address Maine’s medical debt crisis.

Please join me in voting for Wes Norton for Searsport Select Board on March 5, 2024.

I had the privilege of supporting Wes' campaign, driving him door-to-door to talk with residents –– a…