
letter to the editor

Now in my eighth decade, over these many years I have had the opportunity to engage in many ways with many legislators.

Amongst all of…

LETTER To the editor

Please vote in November. It is vital that we send Representatives to August that listen to us, the people, and make decisions and pass bills that represent our values.   

My friend and I…

letter to the editor
Voters in house District 37 have a clear contrast this fall between Reagan Paul and Scott Cuddy. Both have served in the legislature, but Reagan Paul is the only one that understands the concerns of…
Letter to the editor

Having attended the Maine Dept. of Transportation presentation of the proposed Port for launching Offshore Wind Turbines that the Mills administration and thus MDOT is planning to build on Sears…

letter to the editor

As a Mainer living in District 38, I support Steve Ellis to serve as my representative to our state Legislature and will be voting for him this coming November.

District 38 is the heart of…

letter to the editor

I was just asked the other day who Ray Thombs was. I was very happy to answer this question!

I have known Ray for several years, and in that time, I have witnessed firsthand his unwavering…

letter to the editor

Steve Ellis is emerging as an exciting new candidate for the Maine House of Representatives from District 38 (Unity, Thorndike, Monroe, Brooks, western Frankfort, Waldo,…

letter to the editor

Dear Friends of Rockland, parts of Owls Head, and the islands of North Haven, Criehaven, Muscle Ridge and Matinicus,

Please join me in supporting Jamie Hopkins for State Representative of…

letter to the editor

I live in Stockton Springs. All the towns around here have local economies that are badly stressed. The impact from the lack of jobs, low…

letter to the editor

One of the things that makes Waldo County and especially Belfast such a special place is how engaged residents are with their community. 

This was evident at the community forum Waldo…

letter to the editor
I’ve known Scott Cuddy for near a decade. when my wife and I first decided to open our small café in Searsport. He was a good customer and I knew him as a union electrician. We had many talks, and he…
letter to the editor

We who live in Liberty are fortunate to witness Elise in action – as our long-time Director of Emergency Management and for many years as Budget Committee Chair.  But what personally impresses me…

letter to the editor

I’m writing to express my support for Elise Brown, and ask that you vote for her to be the next Waldo County Commissioner in District 3 (Brooks, Burnham, Freedom, Knox, Montville, Morrill, Palermo…

letter to the editor

We here in District 39 (Belfast, Belmont and Northport) have the honor and privilege of voting in another term for Democratic Representative Jan Dodge, who continues to…

letter to the editor

Trekkers would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the entire community for its overwhelming support this summer.

As we ramp up to our 30th anniversary, we appreciate and celebrate the…

letter to the editor

We found a recent letter to the editor about Scott Cuddy deeply concerning. Beginning with the implied association between The Maine Communist party and Scott’s speaking…

letter to the editor

We support Scott Cuddy to represent the citizens in District 37. We have known Scott since he was a child growing up in our neighborhood. Scott is a smart, thoughtful and…

letter to the editor

The housing crisis in Rockland, Maine, has reached a critical point, and it's time we address how it was allowed to get this bad. In the last 52 weeks, homelessness in Rockland has risen by 10%…

letter to the editor

Many roads lead to the beautiful town of Union and over the July 19-21 weekend, people came together from close by and far away to help celebrate Union’s history, the Sestercentennial – 250 years…

letter to the editor

To the Town Manager and the Select Board Members of Camden,

I grew up in Camden, Maine, living here from 1972 as a 7-year-old to 1981, when my family relocated to the Boston area. I still…

letter to the editor

When Elise Brown told me she was running for Waldo County Commissioner in District 3, I went online to learn what a County Commissioner does. Much of our quality of life here in Waldo County is…

letter to the editor

Chip Curry is running for reelection to the State Senate seat representing District 11, Waldo County.  A strong advocate for women’s health care rights, he believes health care decisions should be…

simulated event Sept. 19; basic training Oct. 17

SWANVILLE — What happens when there is an emergency or disaster that requires providing shelter and food to displaced citizens? Perhaps your answer included a reference to the Waldo County…

letter to the editor

I’ve known Ray Thombs since we were 12 years old, and over the past 45 years, he has shown me what true dedication and compassion look like. Ray has always given his best in every circumstance,…

Letter to the Editor

New Hope Midcoast’s recent clothing and accessory sale was well-received by local community members and tourists alike. The July 11-13 sale featured new and gently used items from local boutiques…

letter to the editor
 Jamie Hopkins is the perfect choice for House District 42 State Representative in November.   She is one of us, an everyday "Mainer," who is very familiar with the daily struggles of the people in…
letter to the editor

On behalf of the Camden Garden Club, it is my pleasure to thank the town of Camden and the many residents and visitors who helped make the Club's 76th Annual Garden Tour on July 18 a…

letter to the editor

Poetry on Windows, presented by Stewardship Education Alliance, sponsored…

Fourth annual picnic scheduled for July 28

On July 28, Astrig Koltookian Tanguay and her extended family will be hosting their fourth Armenian Summer Picnic at the Searsport Ocean Campground. This unique Maine event offers authentic…

letter to the editor

The community we love once was a place working people could call home. However, many nurses, public safety workers, teachers, and tradespeople can no longer afford to live…

The Midcoast Maine sunburst just got brighter with 35 Camden shops adding yellow to the “Into the Light!” Finding Our Voices Foodie Festival. The festival features 62 eateries across 15 Midcoast…

Letter to the editor

Rockport resident Stephen Bowen points out in his letter to the Pilot on May 29, 2024, that the Rockport Resource has recently become…

letter to the editor

Now that the June primary vote has happened and we’ve had our July 4 holiday, I thought it would be a good time to reach out and thank everyone for the votes.

during The opening ceremony, July 19

UNION — Two of the highlights of the Sestercentennial will be the unearthing and opening of the Bicentennial time capsule and the filling and burial of the Sestercentennial capsule.

It was…

letter to the editor

Out front, I want to say that I am an Independent voter as I don’t believe that the current two party system we live under is serving we the people.

The debate that many of us witnessed…

letter to the editor

By now, most have heard about the deliberate poisoning of the trees next to Laite Beach in Camden by residents of both Camden and Missouri.

The story has repeatedly been featured in the…

letter to the editor
The radical right-wing majority on the Supreme Court is taking a wrecking ball to democracy, overturning th established law of a woman's right to choose, refusing to deal with lying psychopath Donald…
letter to the editor

Jan Dodge, the Maine State Representative serving Belfast, Northport, and Belmont is seeking reelection. Her hard work and high energy continue to inspire the folks around…

Letter to the editor

On June 11, Rockport voters overwhelmingly approved Article 15, which requires the Select Board, “to appoint an advisory committee to study the costs and benefits of a collaborative approach for…


South School held its first Future Fair this month, providing students with a unique opportunity to explore a wide array of professions and ignite their imaginations about potential career paths.…

letter to the editor

Maybe is an important word to use when making decisions that really impact our lives. Maybe we should fix the car we have before we decide to get a new one for instance. Governor Mills, I’m asking…

letter to the editor

I have known Chip for over 15 years, through having kids roughly the same age and yheater (He was a better mayor than I every will be in The Music Man).  And we occasionally call each…

letter to the editor
Dear Camden and Rockport,   Conversation breakdowns are the stuff of history.  Misunderstandings abound in every hamlet, village, town and city.  In every nation as well.  In families, too.   I…

Thomaston Grammar School held Field Day on Thursday, June 13. It was a beautiful, fun-filled day. Field Day was ocean themed. 

The Wellness Committee transformed the lobby into an undersea…

To the voters of Camden:   Thank you for your votes for Camden Select Board. I am honored by your confidence in me, and I look forward to serving all of Camden with diligence and an open mind,…
Midcoast Community Chorus to Perform on Sunday

You have cancer.

In the span of three short words, life as you know it has changed. Your scale of “good news” and “bad news” is about to shift. You are about to become familiar with a…

letter to the editor

Now that the votes in Camden and Rockport are counted, it strikes us as time to come back together for the mutual benefit of both towns, as we have so successfully done before.



South School (RSU #13) recently hosted a vibrant Arts Festival Night, drawing a large crowd of students, parents, and community members. The event celebrated creativity and community, showcasing…

letter to the editor
Weighing in on local elections is no fun in a small town, and I can respect whatever decision is made by voters. I also understand that…
letter to the editor

The Planning Board’s proposed articles 5, 6, and 7 on Short Term Rentals were created without real data on how…