Welcome to the Penobscot Bay Pilot!

(SEPT. 10, 2012) — Welcome to the launch of the Penobscot Bay Pilot. We are happy and excited to bring the Penobscot Bay region, in particular, Knox and Waldo counties, a new community website — a hub around which citizens and businesses actively engage.
Our goal is to connect a wide range of communities into a whole and lively online regional network. Penbaypilot.com emphasizes immediate and free access to community news, opinions, public discourse and perspectives, as well as business and citizen participation.
With its fresh, uncluttered and innovative platform, Penobscot Bay Pilot offers local, regional and national businesses creative online tools to stimulate commerce. Ranging from traditional advertising to the Pilot Affiliate program, penbaypilot.com has created many and varied posting opportunities, allowing businesses to immediately tailor and broadcast unique messages to valued customers.
We strive to combine the best of traditional news reporting with an evolving Internet, reaching active readers on the go – on the ferry, around downtown, at the lake, on a plane. Penobscot Bay Pilot’s editorial content is built by a corps of experienced, strong, committed writers, photographers, videographers and columnists, all of whom are closely connected with their communities. Read about the arts, culture, sports, municipal and state government, enterprise and life. Learn more about your neighbors, the businesses that both drive and fuel the community, this place we call home. Contribute your own stories and share your photographs and videos. Participate, comment and connect.
As we launch, we're not making this about "us." Penobscot Bay Pilot is not the story. The stories lie within your businesses, schools and government; your harbors, highways, downtowns, farms and gardens. We look forward to getting out to see, listen and learn from you so we can share your stories.
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