Penobscot Bay Pilot’s wayback machine
Throwback Thursday
Thu, 07/17/2014 - 8:00am
Okay, obviously this is a train. And it’s in Rockland. (There’s no fooling you!) But can you tell us what Armour was, and where exactly this location in Rockland is? Any stories to go with it as well?
Some good guesses on last week’s Throwback Thursday photo, but it wasn’t a smelt shack, a scow or even a buying station filled with booze (but Dana Smith you get points for being creative). It happened to be a houseboat on Round Pond owned by a man named Rodney Cook. The photo was taken June 1984.
Photo courtesy Rockland, Maine History Facebook page.
Throwback Thursday needs your submissions. Send us your “back in the day” photos with a caption at
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