Third annual TaTa Trot 5K features 100-plus in the rain

BELFAST — The rain was cold and bitter at 35 degrees Fahrenheit on the morning of March 30, but the 100-plus runners, walkers and supporters braved the much-less-than-perfect weather to help raise money to fight breast cancer.
Mother Nature was not going to stop these brave and hearty souls. As they navigated throughout the streets of Belfast, following a start at the high school, they circled back through the loop and back up Waldo Avenue, where they ended back at the entrance to the high school. The first person across the finish line was Matthew Revitt with a time of 19:40. The first female across the finish line was Belfast Area High School graduate Caitlin Cross, who finished third overall at 20:45.
This fun family event was a fundraiser for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer team, Holy Walkamoles. The Holy Walkamoles are a group of women who are ‘in it to end it’ and dedicated to the fight of breast cancer. Over the last three years they have raised nearly $30,000 and the TaTa Trot 5K is just one of the ways the group does that each year. All money raised by the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer is managed by the Avon Foundation, a nonprofit public charity that funds a comprehensive network of programs and services dedicated to serving breast cancer patients and their families through five areas of the breast cancer cause: awareness and education, screening and diagnosis, access to treatment, support services, and scientific research.
For more information about the Holy Walkamoles visit their FaceBook page here
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Here are the individual results with place, name, bib number, age, gender and time. 1, Matthew Revitt, 182,32, M,19:40; 2, Cliff Watson, 183,31, M, 19:48; 3, Caitlin Cross, 109, 26, F, 20:45; 4, Will Martell, 162 36 M, 20:48; 5, Ronald Stevenson, 135,42, M, 21:05; 6, Tommy Moitoso, 31, 36, M, 21:38; 7, Steve Sprague, 153, 44, M, 21:43; 8, Lucas Brower, 177, 25, M, 22:23; 9, Daniel Sholes, 48, 35, M, 23:17; 10, Alice Laliberte, 122, 43, F, 23:25; 11, Colin Powell, 180, 31, M, 24:06; 12, Daniel Miller, 161, 39, M, 24:18; 13, Penney Allard, 101, 44, F, 24:50; 14, Brody McKenney, 80, 34, M, 25:00; 15, Meghan Wranosky, 7, 24, F, 25:33; 16, Jack Valleau, 97, 12, M, 25:35; 17, Kevin Littlefield, 76, 34, M, 25:42; 18, Diamond Feeney, 149, 34, F, 25:46; 19, Sara Littlefield, 77, 34, F, 26:10; 20, Megan Banahan, 28, 33, F, 26:11; 21, Cynde Martell, 163, 34, F, 27:10; 22, Reade Brower, 175, 57, M, 27:19; 23, Cari-Anne Higgins, 120, 41, F, 27:22; 24, Kara Robeson, 54, 27, F, 27:23; 25, Rachel Jewett, 6, 37, F, 27:35; 26, Kristi Morrow, 145, 32, F, 27:50; 27, Katy Brochu, 107, 20, F, 28:03; 28, Kelsea Bouchard, 106, 20, F, 28:03; 29, Kimberly Merrifield, 47, 22, F, 28:08; 30, Lyn Tessyman, 176, 34, F, 28:09; 31, Laura Newsom, 53, 38, F, 28:14; 32, Molly Feeney, 150, 28, F, 28:17; 33, Ashlee Eikelboom, 52, 30, F, 28:28; 34, Denise Blanchette, 105, 51, F, 28:39; 35, Daniel Avener, 103, 66, M, 28:50; 36, Jim Miller, 166, 65, M, 28:52; 37, David Sanders, 130, 45, M, 28:55; 38, Anthony Kimble, 144, 44, M, 29:01; 39, Kelly Kimble, 143, 45, F, 29:01; 40, Liz Gallagher, 160, 25, F, 29:02; 41, Olivia Perkins, 159, 21, F, 29:03; 42, Will Childs, 35, 54, M, 29:25; 43, Laureen Libby, 124, 36, F, 29:34; 44, Melody Tracy, 137, 34, F, 29:35; 45, Jennika Lindy, 181, 34, F, 29:37; 46, Brian Frances, 179, 32, M, 29:38; 47, Jody Dinsmore, 111, 41, F, 30:15; 48, Nathan Carey, 78, 10, M, 30:57; 49, Austyn Thomas, 43, 16, F, 31:08; 50, Brandi Moore, 158, 29, F, 31:19.
51, Nina McKenney, 82, 38, F, 32:22; 52, Sheri Thompson, 146, 34, F, 32:43; 53, Jessica Natale, 126, 31, F, 33:27; 54, Elise Brown, 1, 13, F, 33:33; 55, Shanna Strout, 2, 35, F, 33:35; 56, Sarah Geroux, 114, 36, F, 33:43; 57, Garrett McLeod, 156, 8, M, 34:18; 58, David Brickel, 152, 38, M, 34:18; 59, Crystal Ballard, 157, 36, F, 34:18; 60, Leslie Denton, 155, 40, F, 34:19; 61, Trish Peek, 59, 66, F, 34:20; 62, Kayla Belanger, 14, 19, F, 34:27; 63, Jessica Prue, 50, 28, F, 34:28; 64, Dainelle Tribou, 17, 25, F, 34:57; 65, Charlene Pieske, 147, 43, F, 34:59; 66, Brandi Ludder, 164, 35, F, 35:03; 67, Kimberly Thomas, 44, 39, F, 35:41; 68, Trina Johnson, 121, 38, F, 35:48; 69, Lauren Frances, 178, 31, F, 35:49; 70, Angela Westhoff, 18, 38, F, 36:16; 71, Michelle Lemieux-Sm, 154, 46, F, 36:21; 72, Stacy Wade, 33, 29, M, 36:47; 73, Kieran Wade, 32, 6, M, 36:51; 74, Kate Valleau, 98, 44, F, 36:52; 75, Aimee Sanfilippo, 131, 43, F, 36:55; 76, Jamie Webster, 61, 29, F, 37:51; 77, Kara Getchell, 115, 45, F, 39:08; 78, Gail Pennartz, 86, 51, F, 41:27; 79, Brooke Long, 84, 13, F, 41:28; 80, Tonja Long, 85, 45, F, 41:32; 81, Jennifer Hamel, 118, 37, F, 44:27; 82, Danielle Romano, 129, 26, F, 44:28; 83, Mindy Lancaster, 89, 34, F, 45:13; 84, Roxanne Eggen, 165, 53, F, 46:36; 85, Daegan Moody, 91, 12, M, 46:45; 86, Melissa Moody, 92, 37, F, 46:46; 87, Michelle Cornish, 168, 49, F, 48:01; 88, Heidi Thomson, 136, 41, F, 50:20; 89, Stacey Hall, 19, 35, F, 50:20; 90, Cindy Joseph, 20, 37, F, 50:21; 91, Chuck Walters, 172, 28, M, 51:06; 92, Mary Casey, 169, 35, F, 51:12; 93, Jasmine Casey, 170, 18, F, 51:13; 94, Sarah Casey, 171, 18, F, 51:14; 95, Wendy Byrd, 5, 42, F, 51:27; 96, Joby Byrd, 4, 12, M, 51:27; 97, Heather Corson, 108, 35, F, 51:28; 98, Marial Ackly, 185, 31, F, 52:22; 99, Melissa Bishop, 88, 36, F, 52:25; 100, Kimberly Ward, 140, 26, F, 52:46; 101, Alicia Ward, 139, 33, F, 52:48; 102, Theresa Merithew, 90, 36, F, 56:28; 103, Nancy McEwen, 42, 54, F, 57:37; 104, Michele Perkins, 38, 55, F, 57:38; 105, Pam Sawyer, 40, 55, F, 57:44; 106, Teresa Goody, 37, 54, F, 57:48; 107, Brynne Sawyer, 184, 9, F, 59:31; 108, Ellen Sawyer, 39, 62, F, 59:35; 109, Brenda Bradford, 56, 60, F, 1:02:23; 110, Melissa Bradford, 55, 33, F, 1:02:25; 111, John Casey, 173, 28, M, 1:04:47; 112, Misty Clifford, 174, 22, F, 1:04:48; and 113, Charlene Childs; 34; 53; F; 1:07:42.
The following individuals are all supporters, people that paid a registration fee rather they ran, walked or chose not to due to the weather. Allison Jewett, Jennifer Betzer, Bethany Carlton, Louella Grindle, Tabi Grindle, Julie Sticht, Amber Woodcock, Carrie Davis, Keeley Levica, Tayla Baker, Heather Coolidge, Monica Martin, Tova Millett, Nancy Whittier, Jennifer Smith, Ricky Smith, Alex Chaplin, Katy Klaver, Jim Goody, Robin Grenlaw, Hailee Lindelof, Jessica Lindelof, Ashley Pennartz, Missy Dean, Rebecka Ripley, Nathan Webster, Jennifer Littlefield, Roland Littlefield, Daniel Coose, Teresa Coose, Barbara Drinkwater, Gail Dudley, Jennifer Faulkingham, Audra Faulkingham, Melinda Grover, Wendy Grover, Megan Harvey, Luke Krummel, Sarah Krummel, Morgan Hisler, Larry McKenney, Shari McKenney; Cheryl Robinson, Kraig King, Jason Light, Renee Light, Nichole Proulx-King, Robin Ashe, Christie Smith, Tiffany Andrews, Corey Belcher, Dayton Dinsmore, Susan Driskell, Terri Flannery, Angela Gibbs, Wilmont Green, Tessa Hastings, Melinda Larrabee, Kristen Murbach, Kate Noble, Jan Pitcairn, Sarah Schulta-Nielson, Ester Shinn, Steven Sobel, Kara Tripp, Wendy Wood, Jessica Woods, Bill Feeney, Mary Jo Hall and Lynne Depasquale.
Ron Hawkes can be reached at
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