Harbormaster: ‘Act of God’ kept loose sailboat from causing damage in Camden Harbor

CAMDEN — Camden Harbormaster Steve Pixley spentThursday morning chasing after damage caused by the wind and waves that came with Wednesday night’s storm that persisted overnight.
At least one sailboat was left laying on its side in the mud at the head of the harbor, and another’s jib sheet was shredded after coming loose and flapping to and fro in the wind.
Pixley said that the 24-foot sailboat Kohiki broke loose, after chafing its pennant off Dillingham Point in the outer harbor, and wandered through the south mooring field before weaving down through 77 moored boats in the inner harbor.
“It was an act of God,” said Pixley. “With the wind, swells, tide and the current coming off Megunticook River all adding variables to her destined path.”
Pixley said Kohiki “threaded a needle” between old railway pilings and Wayfarer Marine’s rum row to the head of the harbor.
“She made it into a gut that even I would want a coffee in me if I was bringing a 24-foot boat through before 0700!” said Pixley. “Then the boat picks a soft bed of mud, between old stump pilings and rocks, and ground out without sustaining a scratch. Truly an act of God.”
Another sailboat in the harbor wasn’t so lucky, sustaining a torn jib sheet.
Pixley said the jib sheet on the 28-foot sailboat Annie wasn’t tied down correctly and came free in the howling wind.
“The sheet is shredded and I went and secured it this morning,” said Pixley.
Editorial Director Holly S. Edwards can be reached at hollyedwards@penbaypilot.com or 706-6655.
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