Belfast’s ode to ‘Happy’: Watch it here!

BELFAST — More than 200 people visited Colonial Theatre Friday, June 13, to watch friends, family, and sometimes themselves, dance in Belfast's ode to the popular Pharrell Williams' song, Happy.
On Monday afternoon, the official short version of the video was released and you can see it here: Belfast Maine, We Are Happy! The long version will be posted to this page when it’s ready on YouTube.
The roughly five-minute-long video, and a longer 20-minute version debuted at 3:30 p.m. in the Starlight Cinema. The film features countless members of the Belfast community, all showing their appreciation for the town they love.
Jeanne Gibson, an audience member from the first showing, said: "I thought [the video] was fabulous. I'm from Belfast and I was in it!"
It was a reaction shared by Billie-Jo Dunbar, who appeared in the video with her daughter, Orianna Cort.
"It was really good," she said. "It's great."
Elizabeth Wolfe hopes her sons will be reminded of the beauty of Belfast when they watch it.
"What's really cool," she said, "is that my son, who lives in Spain, can see it. He misses Belfast."
Husband Michael Cunning added: "We've got one in Spain and one in Portland. They're going to love it. We'll get visits!"
Positive reactions weren't limited to locals. As the first crowd exited one man was overheard telling another audience member: "it's beautiful. You guys are lucky to live here."
The video, which features 82 locations in the shortest version and more than 100 in the longer, will be available to view on Penobscot Bay Pilot. The longer version is also playing on Belfast Community Television under the title "Somewhere in Waldo County," according to producer/director Mike Hurley.
Erica Thoms can be reached at
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